Thierry Marnay, MD
Thierry Marnay, MD, France
Past President 2005-2006 – Founding Member
Dr. Theirry Marnay has been a vital part of ISASS since the beginning. He helped set up the original meeting with the Viscogliosi brothers, organized the Montpellier meeting and was one of the leaders who brought current executive director Kristy Radcliffe on board. “I am very proud to have chosen Kristy. She came in and put some order into the society—made it successful and profitable.”
During his tenure as president, Dr. Marnay is most proud of these major accomplishments:
- Invented Prodisc
- Created the original idea for ISASS organization in 2000
- Hosted and organized (with his own money) the Montpellier Meeting in 2002
- Chose to hire Kristy Radcliffe