ISASS attended the American Medical Association (AMA) annual meeting June 6-10 in Chicago. After a three-year process to obtain a voting seat, ISASS became a voting member of the AMA’s House of Delegates (HOD) in 2014. The HOD is the legislative and policy-making body of the AMA and includes over 500 voting delegates selected by their member organizations to establish broad policy on health, medical, professional and AMA governance issues. Members of the HOD include state medical associations, the five federal services (US Air Force, US Army, US Navy, US Department of Veterans Affairs and US Public Health Service), national medical specialty societies and professional interest medical associations, sections and groups. ISASS is considered a national medical specialty society in the HOD and participates in the Specialty and Service Society (SSS) Caucus, the largest caucus in the HOD. Gunnar B.J. Andersson, MD, PhD serves as the ISASS delegate to the HOD and Morgan Lorio, MD, FACS serves as the ISASS alternate delegate to the HOD.