This educational activity must follow the standards for CME established by the ACCME, AMA, ANCC, ACPE and FDA. Accordingly, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Content should cover and teach to the learning objectives
- Content must be scientifically rigorous, present a fair-balanced discussion of all therapeutic options and products, be evidence based, and unbiased
- As much as possible, the content should present generic names of products. If trade names must be used, the names of multiple products should be used for balance
- Content must be free from commercial bias, it should not advance the proprietary interests of any commercial company
- Any unlabeled/unapproved uses of drugs or products discussed in the content must be disclosed to the audience in either the content or verbally at the time of presentation
- Any training or utilization by a commercial interest (eg. Speakers’ bureau) will not in any way include the promotional aspects or industry slides in the content of a continuing education presentation
- Slides or handout materials must not contain any commercial graphic, logo, or product message
- All published data, reference studies and articles cited in the content must be properly referenced on slides and handout materials
- Content that presents research funded by a commercial interest must only present information that is based on generally accepted scientific principles and methods, and will not promote the commercial interests of the company
- If providing recommendations involving clinical medicine, all recommendations should be based on evidence that is accepted within the professions of medicine as adequate justification for their indications and contraindications in the care of patients
- All scientific research referred to, reported or used in support of justification of patient care recommendations should conform to the generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection and analysis
Questions? Please contact Melissa Franz at