…presentations and summary documents. Please see the following links for more information and resources from the AMA: https://www.ama-assn.org/system/files/2019-06/cpt-office-prolonged-svs-code-changes.pdf https://www.ama-assn.org/practice-management/cpt/em-prep-your-house-practice-checklist-2021-transition…

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…patients (17.8%) (P = .18); New or worsening pain at operating site 40% both groups; nonoperative site events were musculoskele- tal and neurological events experienced in 64.2% vs 66.4%…

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page-past-webinars.php default #ffffff no-repeat;center top;; auto 1/1 photo_box 1/1 https://www.isass.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/ISASS_Insights_Banner_-Final-1920×875-1.png story_box 1/1 https://www.isass.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/bar.jpg Past Webinars no-repeat;center top;; auto top 1/1 story_box 4/5 photo_box 1/4 Massimo Balsano, MD, Moderator…

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…Replacement should not be implanted in patients with the following conditions: Active systemic infection or infection localized to the site of implantation Osteopenia or osteoporosis defined as DEXA bone…

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…2022. Clinical studies aggregate device and procedure-related adverse event data supplied by Relievant Medsystems, Inc. March 2022 for studies. Medical Device Reports for FDA MAUDE online database. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfmaude/search.cfm. Accessed…

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…1/1 photo_box 1/1 https://www.isass.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/ISASS_Insights_Banner_-Final-1920×875-1.png story_box 1/1 https://www.isass.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/bar.jpg Upcoming Webinar info_box 3/4 Arthroplasty vs. Fusion in Cervical Spine Surgery: When and Why Date: Saturday, 13th March, 2021 Time: 10:00 am…

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…report analysis of the as-treated populations. Butterman conducted a single-site RCT comparing 50 patients treated with discectomy versus 50 patients treated with epidural steroid injections.13 All patients had clinical…

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ISASS is pleased to announce that the website for our new advocacy organization International Advocates for Spine Patients is now open. The IASP Mission: “International Advocates for Spine Patients…

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…nonresorbable composite that was developed specifically for vertebral augmentation unlike its older time-proven alternative, PMMA. It consists of 33% difunctional methacrylates that form a cross-linked 3-dimensional polymer reinforced with…

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HHS Offers Online Courses on Telemedicine Rules and Implementation for Providers Starting in July 2020, in an effort to increase utilization of telemedicine by Medicare providers, the Department of…

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…the patient information portion of our website – added in January. Sent ISASS statements on health care reform—: “Current State of Health Care Reform” article for ISASS Newsletter (June)…

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…with customized consulting services online courses, webinars, coding books and printed materials. For more information visit the website: www.thebusinessofspine.com or call 888 337 8220, option 6. The Business of…

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