We are pleased to announce that ISASS’s official medical journal, the International Journal of Spine Surgery, is now included in PubMed results. The Journal’s inclusion in PubMed Central is…

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…despite ranking number 19 for orthopedic ASCs per capita, comes in next to last for orthopedic surgeons per capita. All 50 states and Washington, D.C., ranked by orthopedic surgeons…

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ISASS supports decision making at the physician-patient level based on medical necessity and achieving the best outcomes to address the patient’s medical condition. Medical necessity should not be determined…

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…the fusion is the best treatment alternative for their underlying spinal condition. The International Advocates for Spine Patients (IASP) is an international organization partnering physicians, patients, and the medical…

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…standards. In the final rule, the agency announced it will strike the fee-for-service adjuster from the risk adjustment data validation audits (RAD-VA), a tool that would have calculated a…

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…among providers, suppliers, and patients; (4) comments on how using data standards and electronic health records can improve maternal health outcomes; and (5) comments regarding how to encourage providers…

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…some of the world’s leading surgeons who introduced me to evidence based medicine. Evidence based medicine combines the individual clinical experience of the surgeon with the best external clinical…

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…an array of studies focused on clinical outcomes appraising the utility of minimally invasive and lateral access surgical corridors. Dr. Kanter has been a key contributor in several neurosurgical…

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…extent to which physicians are in practices that participate in medical homes and accountable care organizations as well as involvement in alternative payment methods. Both reports can be found…

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James Dowdell 1698424146:7 7 https://vimeo.com/878453897…

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James Dowdell 1698422240:7 7 https://vimeo.com/878444846…

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James Dowdell 1698416721:7 7 https://vimeo.com/878429091…

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